Sunday, 14 July 2019

Hiking with McMillan

I recently took part in a Mighty Hike event in aid of McMillan Cancer support. We entered as a group and walked 26.7 miles to raise money. I would say 26 miles however, that .7 of a mile was an absolute killer so it is very important to include it. 


Monday, 1 July 2019

A Breath of Fresh Air

The end of the school term is fast approaching. We took time off from our massive to-do list for some well-needed mountain air.


Saturday, 15 June 2019

Serenity Spa, Seaham Hall

My mums quite tricky to buy for. It was her birthday recently and I didn't want to buy her any old tat just to say happy birthday. So I thought I'd buy her an experience and treat her (and myself) to a twilight evening at Seaham Hall Serenity Spa. 


Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Harop tarn, Thirlmere

Hello, I'm back! I've had a very long break, but thought i'd kick things off with our most recent adventure in the Lake District was to Harop Tarn.

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